Education blog posts

Let’s talk about Imposter Syndrome

Writing this post whilst flying back from a business trip in Mumbai, imposter syndrome has never felt more real. Surrounded by business people, confidently tapping away at their laptops, I’m in comfy active-wear, no-make up and very occasionally getting that fleeting feeling like I have no license to be here, or I’m here by luck, accident or some fluke. Let’s be clear, it’s me that’s making me feel that way, nobody else, and it’s very irrational. It simply isn’t the case that I don’t deserve to be here. It’s an illusion in my mind.

2019-03-03T18:18:07+00:00January 20th, 2019|Education|

Make resilience your top priority

You’re smart, you’re experienced, you feel like you’ve got this (on some days), but how you turn up as a present, engaged and energised leader time and time again will be the difference between good and great. An apt subject for January 1st, a time of new beginnings and promises made to ourselves.

2019-03-03T18:19:04+00:00January 1st, 2019|Education|
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